A nature reserve for the bird life
Nygårdsängens nature reserve on the shores of Vassbotten is a taste of the countryside in the city where you can enjoy a quiet moment in your everyday life. You can walk along the water, scoop up small insects from the jetty or take part of the rich bird life of rare species.
Animals and wildlife
Every year the reeds are cut and the nature reserve has become a popular breeding ground for a diversity of bird species. Perhaps you can spot a garganey, or why not a water salamander playing at the edge of the pond? Along the paths the cherry trees bloom in spring and both meadows, ponds and reeds can provide a beautiful view if you want to kick back on a park bench with a lunch pack or a cup of coffee.
The path is about 1.2 kilometers long, and is located at the southern entrance to Vänersborg on the shores of Vassbotten, opposite side of Quality Hotel Vänersborg.