
Brålanda Hotel & Hostel

Vänersborg, Västra Götalands län


  • Accommodation

Stay in good accommodation and discover activities and excursions in Dalsland

Hotel room, hostel or apartment?

You can choose between single, double and family rooms at Brålanda Hotel & Hostel. Guests have access to a shared kitchen and dining rooms, as well as two shared lounges with TV. You can also choose to stay in one of the apartments for 2-6 people. There are several patios in the lovely garden, with places to barbecue and spend time together.
The facility is a dog-friendly accommodation - see the website for more info.

There’s a lot to discover in the area in terms of activities, including fishing, hiking and shopping. If you prefer to take things easy for a while, relax in the sauna at Brålanda Hotel & Hostel.