Sights and activities

Old street - Trädgårdsgatan

Kristinehamn, Värmlands län


  • Park
  • Attraction

Take a walk down Trädgårdsgatan, which runs along the river, and get a feel of how Kristinehamn looked in the 19th century.

The Mayor C.H. Nordfeldt donated a few garden plots to the city on the condition that a park should be planted as a fire protection. The park, called Nordenfeldtsparken, was opened in 1877 and runs along the whole street, giving it a lush green character.

Trädgårdsgatan 2, Grundelsgården: After the fire 1777 the building was restored as it's seen today.
Trädgårdsgatan 4, Blombergsgården: The house and yard was originally located at Södra Staketgatan. It was the coppersmith master, Anders Blomberg that had it build in the 1820s. For a honorary of 75 riksdaler the construction was performed by three builders from the western part of Värmland.
Trädgårdsgatan 6: In 1975 this courtyard got a diploma during by Värmlands museum for its exemplary renovation.
Trädgårdsgatan 8, Prostgården: The current beautiful deanery is from 1857. The last priest moved out in 1965.
Trädgårdsgatan 10: One of Kristinehamns oldest timmberhouses, contaning both core wood as interesting history.
