Sights and activities


Gullspång, Västra Götalands län


  • To do
  • Attraction

Exhibition focusing on shipping and repair

** Maritime Museum**
On the ground floor of the home garden of Otterbäcken there is a Maritime Museum and a working repair shop. The Maritime Museum contains a variety of objects related to fishing and shipping that have a very long tradition in the village.

Dannjels salmon boat**
In 2002, the collections included a salmon and transport boat that had been away from Amne Härad for half a century, but now it is back where it was built in the 1880s. The boat has now been given its final place at home. Dannjel’s boat can be visited at any time even if the ship’s history information board is best studied in daylight.

The museum is open at special arrangements but you are welcome to contact AmneHead's home community association to book a visit as agreed.

It is free entry and one of the museum’s hosts also speaks English.
