Sights and activities

Naturpasset Hunneberg

Vänersborg, Västra Götalands län


  • To do

Orient whenever you want at your own pace

OK Skogsvargarna at Hunneberg each year arranges Naturpasset on Hunneberg. Using the Nature Pass, you can orient in forests and land whenever you want and at your own pace. You don’t have to have any prior knowledge, but the only thing required is time, curiosity and will. The nature pass can be purchased from, among other things, the [Office of Link/77038d4376b34a5a85ff2bf7a0be4ff4.aspx].

Nature Pass 2023**

The nature pass will start on April 1 at Hunneberg with 2 parts, around Bergagården and around Nyrud V Hunneberg. Price $130.

Sales at Vänersborg’s Tourist Bureau, the Royal Hunting Museum Älgens Berg, the Tap in Vargön and the Academy Books Trading at Overby and the Forest Wolves’ Tips Promenades. Many great experiences are promised at the controls.

Take at least 5 checks and submit the start cards in the mailbox on the information board at Bergagården. Join us about drawing!

[You can read more about what (http:/
Here is the Facebook Event for Nature Pass.

Have fun out there!
