Sights and activities

The Old Town and cathedral

Mariestad, Västra Götalands län


  • To do

Stroll through the historic streets of Mariestad

The old town

Get acquainted with Mariestad and the old town. With its old buildings from the 18th and 19 th centuries making you catch a glimpse of manners of living in the past. Stroll around on the cobbled streets and visit old yards reminding you of past time. We suggest you go for a walk in the old town accompanied by our free guide map with descriptions over the building.

The cathedral

Rest your feet a while in our impressive cathedral, which still bears its head with dignity even though the bishop has long since moved to Skara.

Mariestads cathedral was built in 1593-1615 in a mixture of late Gothic and early Renaissance style, the church is a noble monument, even though the Episcopal see is now located in neighbouring Skara.

Opening hours
The Cathedral is open:
1 September - 30 April 08.00-16.00
1 May - 31 August 08.00-20.00
