Sights and activities

Frans G Bengtssons minnesbibliotek

Gullspång, Västra Götalands län


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Books and original documents from the author's life

**Frans G Bengtsson
Frans G Bengtsson's books from his private library are gathered in one of the rooms at Gullspång municipal library. Here you will find the books, the rustic desk and a number of interesting original documents such as letters and work notes. The famous author lived his last 15 years at Ribbingsfors Manor outside Gullspång. Near the manor is the thousand-year-old oak tree mentioned in his most famous novel Röde Orm.

The author lived between 1894-1954 and is buried in the cemetery at Amnehärads church.

The library contains around 5,000 volumes. The areas that dominate the library are history, literary history and fiction. About half of the books are Swedish. Otherwise, English editions dominate, with German, French, Icelandic, Danish and Norwegian volumes. The library also holds a number of letters and manuscripts.

The library has been cataloged on a voluntary basis by Sune Jakobsson. The catalog is searchable via the web after being converted to LIBRA format in the fall of 2003. In the catalog, the interested party can see what Frans G. had in his library and also what he noted when reading. Many of the books contain notes, comments and underlinings by the author. These have been entered by Sune Jakobsson in the remarks field of the catalog.

The notes show Frans G. Bengtsson's memory and accuracy. He questions facts and corrects spelling and punctuation. The notes also contain a lot of opinions about people and events.

Sune Jakobsson is careful to point out that the author's handwriting is sometimes difficult to read. The notes may therefore contain some errors.

**The Frans G Bengtsson Society
The society was founded in 1985 and aims to spread knowledge about Frans G. Bengtsson's authorship, his person, time and environment.

**Opening hours
It is possible to visit the Memorial Library when Gullspång Library is open. The exhibition room is located next to the library. To visit the room where Frans G Bengtsson's books are stored, you need to contact the library before your visit.
