Sights and activities

Björkullasand badplats

Götene, Västra Götalands län


  • To do

Bathing spot with fine sandy beach and attractive rocky surroundings

Parking facilities

The bathing spot at Björkullasand is around 50 metres from a small marked car park.


The bathing spot has a modern outdoor toilet.

Waste disposal

A small litter bin is sited by the toilet.

Getting to Björkullasand

Björkullasand bathing spot is in the north of Götene municipality, north east of Hällekis.

It is accessible by car along minor roads, with the final stretch along a forest road.

Other information

Björkullasand bathing spot is located in a very picturesque natural setting with views of several islands in the Lake Vänern archipelago.
